Cheers to in-between moments of 2022

This is a compilation of my in-between moments in 2022.

Great if you hate highlights and sucks if you want to read about ‘what I’ve learned in 2022’

If you ask me, I am not a type A personality but I did marry someone who is. So, there is always this dynamic between us when we do things together. Earlier this year, I tried (very loosely tried) to complete a sprint triathlon but after realizing how much work it takes away from my free unstructured time, I didn’t even last more than a month of training. My partner however, completed the sprint.

Instead of figuring out why I can’t complete a training plan, I realized that I love unstructured time more than I love completing things. That’s why in my color coded google calendar, there is nothing on Monday and unaccounted time spread across. I don’t have a rhyme or a philosophical self help debate about it. I simply like it like that.

That should be enough right?

I also often wonder when I am scribbling down ideas in my notebook, if everyone’s notebook is often haphazard like mine. If you tell me to look for a certain note, I don’t think I can find it. But I do love watching people decorate their bullet journals on YouTube.

You want what you can’t have right?

If you didn’t know me and tried to learn about who I am just by my YouTube history, you’d probably be real confused. I’ve searched for Fran Lebowitz Interviews, how to cook Chicken Rice and do LoveSeen lashes need glue. Oh, not to forget my favorite 8 hour playlist of coffeeshop ambience.

And something I’ve never shared with anyone is how much time thinking about how memes and hashtags have the same parents who went separate ways. Think about it… both have the same genetic makeup of wrapping up thought processes and complex nuances into one singular medium. One is by rebranding viral pictures and the other is by rebranding the # symbol.

Have society over-innovated?
Is over-innovating over-simplifying?

These are the questions I probably will be thinking about in the in-between moments of 2023. But nothing is complete without letting you know that yes, I have finished watching The Kardashians and The White Lotus.

So where does 2022 leave me with?

I think it leaves me with more questions than answers. It leaves me with the desire to untangle who I am when people are not looking. It leaves me with the curiosity of how do I innovate without the burden of late stage capitalism.

Cheers to more questions in 2023.


What does it mean to design with an intersectional lens?


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