Hui Li Seong

Hui Li (she/her) joins us from Gopeng Riverstones in Perak, Malaysia. Hui Li moved around as a child while her parents were studying abroad and later she immigrated to California from Malaysia as a student.

We talk about:

  • moving aroung as a child

  • having a “Western” name

  • immigrated to California from Malaysia

  • Journaling as an ancestral practice

  • Building an eco-resort with her brother.

  • Tending to indigenous lands.

Hui Li shared on her Instagram that “while there are similarities between my immigration journey and that of my ancestors — i must be clear that our journeys were VERY different. They moved to escape poverty and gain job opportunities.

The Malayan colonizers were importing laborers to mine tin & harvest rubber.

I am grateful for the strength in my bloodline, I am proud to be from a lineage of immigrants. The least I can do is to keep my name alive.”

Well, hit that listen button - no regrets.


International Design Day


Crunch Ranjani